Thank you to our Silver sponsors

The event would not take place without these sponsors. Without their support we wouldn’t be able to keep the event low cost and accessible to everyone. Thank you!

Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over 1 million WordPress sites worldwide. Their objective is to help customers, whether novice or pro, create a thriving online presence at an affordable price. With a team of in-house tech experts available 24/7, Bluehost dedicates time and resources to providing the best support and services in the industry. Join millions of other site owners and see what Bluehost can do for you and your online presence.

GoDaddy Pro is a free membership program for web developers, designers & agencies. It offers exclusive tools to help onboard, manage and maintain multiple clients and their sites fast and easy. With GoDaddy Pro tools, you can easily shop for your client, monitor their sites, and manage their products from a single dashboard. Additionally, your membership includes advanced 24/7 technical support and rewards for recommending GoDaddy to your clients.

You can use GoDaddy Pro with all of GoDaddy’s newly refreshed hosting products, including Managed WordPress, cPanel shared hosting, our brand new cloud product, and our virtual and dedicated solutions.

And, always get the best price on GoDaddy products with your “30% off list price” member benefit.

Learn more about GoDaddy Pro.

Redland is an advertising agency with a digital heart. We are a compact and agile team of innovative experts with extensive knowledge and use of WordPress-based solutions. We make use of the opportunities of digital marketing with the help of user-focused design and the measurability of operations. Our digital team is not just a bunch of banner coders. The versatile projects they operate with vary from designing and delivering campaign sites and web shops to the development of demanding specific online services and applications. Read more at

Author: Kenneth Levänen

Co-organizer for WordCamp Finland 2016, WordCamp Helsinki 2017, and WordCamp Nordic 2019. Took care of all things related to sponsors and communications. Organizes monthly WordPress Helsinki meetups.